30 (2,500L) outdoor Brood tanks for the production of eggs and fry to be transferred to feeder tanks. The aim is to determine the logistics and feasbibility of producing own live feed for the table fish to reduce reliance on imported fish meals. As shown in the water-flow chart for our Aquaponics set up, these tanks will be receiving water which has gone through a number of grow out tanks. Newly hatched fry are raised in the feeder tanks for one to two months before been fed to some of our high value carnivorous fish eg. Soon Hock.
We have 10 x 1,000L shallow trays for the production of Duckweed - Lemna species which is growing with water that had gone through a series of fish tanks. We produced enough Duckweed to feed 5,000 Jade Perch (averaged size 120mm) and few hundred Red tilapia and Kelah. Half of the tanks are harvested and fed to the fish daily. With the constant hot temperatures, the Duckweed just multiply unbelievably fast - doubling its growth (in quantity) every other day. The crude protein content is around 40%. We also stock the tanks with yabbies,